
>> Wednesday, June 29, 2011

to my girl. i hope you know how much i love you. how much every day you brighten up my life and the lives of everyone you come in contact with. your little presence is like a magical force; people are drawn into you. you draw them in with your squirrely ways and silly talk. i love every second. {however, i am hoping the stranger/danger starts to sink in soon...} you have a kind heart and love to love. you love all animals {except sharks and snakes scare you...wonder who you take after ;) }. you love to be outside doing pretty much anything. you are mostly fearless and are usually ready to take on the world. you are a peacemaker and you love your brother with all your heart...even though he can drive you nuts. {yes, i can tell} you love the computer, television, you would sit in front of it all day if i would let you. you love to be a helper, to be included in what is going on around the house. your favorite toys are your cars, horses, and of course, your barbies...and you can't go anywhere without your pink blanket and a pillow pet {..or two, or three, or four...} you are a night owl and i don't think you get enough sleep...it's like you don't want to miss anything. you amaze me every day and i am so blessed to be your mama. xoxo sweet girl.

happy birthday to you.

i love you squirrel. happy birthday.




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