tea for two
>> Monday, August 30, 2010
we finally got to have our tea party to celebrate the "original superprincess"...you can read about her here. it was a cloudy afternooon, but we went for it anyway, busting out our family quilt, teacups, apple juice and pink marshmallows! oh yeah, and don't forget bunny! {hollis' bunny} ava loved it and i'm so glad we stopped and took the time to have a special tea party with each other. it started raining at the end, and ava just laid on the quilt and felt the rain. she is my sweetheart.
tragedy always seems to wake you up, your world becomes crystal clear. your priorities slap you in the face and you remember why you are living and who you are living for.
superprincess, you are not gone from this earth. your memory, your smile, your spirit live on in all the lives you have touched.
i learned ava's story a few years back. i was up late blog surfing and randomly googled "ava". my ava was a few months old. i stumbled upon sheye's blog. i was immediately struck by her beautiful photos and ava's story. she is and will probobly always be my favorite photographer/blogger. you feel her soul in her words and photography. sheye was my first mentor. i took her very first round of photography workshops {little did i know how much this workshop would impact my life, gaining knowledge as well as a group of girlfriends i have grown so close to over the past few years, but never met in "real life".} this blogosphere is a truly amazing thing. you watch children grow up, feel close to those you have never met. cry with their heartbreaks and celebrate their miracles. i have been so thankful for this space the past few years and the people i have met through it.
I'm tearing up. love it.
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