the best giveaway yet!

>> Tuesday, September 22, 2009

{baby reagan in the marigold baby skin i bought from marta!}

okay...i have found the most amazing blog {the savvy photographer}! each week they feature an amazing photographer and then on friday do a fabulous giveaway! i have been following for a few weeks now and have yet to win...maybe this will be my week!!! (fingers crossed, because it is the BEST week yet!) the featured photographer this week is marta locklear. i have been following her work (i.e. blog stalking!) for about a year and a half now...i absolutly love her work and also love some of the products she creates for other photographers! i have one of her baby skins in marigold and love it! anyway, marta began a series of workshops and i was so excited to learn about them, but they were a little bit out of my price range right now. however, this week, she is giving a way a spot in her november on line awesome is that (and generous!). i am going to keep my fingers crossed on this one, it would be such an amazing experience i'm sure and i would love to learn from her! if you are into photography or just want some fun reading, you should definitly check out the savvy is one of the best blogs i have found yet!

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