
>> Monday, August 8, 2011

saw this article in a magazine this morning while i was waiting for bo at the retina specialist, or cornea specialist...i can't keep track.

anywyay, it made me miss this girl. made me ponder our friendship and how truly remarkable it really is. how over 24 years and hundreds of miles we have stayed close, like sisters. like there is some sort of invisible force that keeps us together. an unbreakable friendship, a family i am so thankful for and one that i know will last an eternity.

jen emailed me and said that it felt like girls weekend was forever ago. i have to agree. & yes, one day i will blog about that amazing weekend full of laughter, relaxation {yes, i got to lay poolside sans children}, lots of chatting and of course a few {or more} fancy beverages...yes, boone's farm counts as fancy! lol!

this is one of those week i REALLY wish we lived closer. just missing you.

miss you. mean it. xoxoxoxo.



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